Labyrinth Education 4

Labyrinth Education 6

Education Settings
the labyrinth: a super-tool for professional practice, self reflection,
SEL, learning through movement, curriculum connections
As a pedagogical tool, the labyrinth facilitates learning through movement and offers a kinaesthetic approach to learner experiences. It can be readily incorporated into Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) programs and it offers entry points into curriculum and multiple ways of exploring concepts.
As a mindful tool, the labyrinth offers a calming and quieting space, benefitting mood, alleviating anxiety, and aiding concentration. It fits neatly into self and social awareness and management and supports the (Australian Curriculum) Personal and Social Capability learning continuum.
As a reflective tool, it offers new opportunities and ways of seeing things through being self-observant, self-reflective and building self-knowledge. The labyrinth can open channels for body wisdom to surface and offer new perspectives including imagination, creativity, and problem solving.
And so labyrinths have wide application across professional development, within the learning and teaching program, in mindful and meditative activities, and in conjunction with study stresses or anxiety issues.
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We are more than our minds. Threading its way through
the expanses of time,
the labyrinth finds us
ready to access our
body wisdom
in the 21st Century.
Louise Mason

The scope and breadth of our workshops knows no bounds. From the specifics of labyrinths themselves and delving more deeply into the whys and wherefores, to actual labyrinth construction, to ways that labyrinths can be incorporated into programs and professional development, our workshops will get your journey started!

Heard about labyrinths but not sure how to progress? Have a particular idea that could use some expansion? Thinking about how to bring a team or whole staff together? Looking for more ways to incorporate labyrinths into the life of your organisation?
We’re happy to start a conversation now!